Gideon stands out from all other Spellslingers by being the only Spellslinger willing to join combat. Gideon aims to attack with three or more creatures, enabling an attack from Gideon each time. Gideon is 3/3, indestructible, and is immune to traps from either Spellslinger. Gideon doesn’t take up a creature slot, so even attacking with 5 creatures, Gideon takes up a 6th slot, leaving your army intact.



Gideon has a whopping 27 health, the second most of any Spellslinger (Ajani is 28), allowing him to soak damage while developing his board. With high toughness on your creatures that often have armor you tend to have favorable matchups against the more aggressive decks, such as Chandra and Angrath , while more control oriented decks, such as Jace and Teferi, may give you trouble if you don’t come out fast enough.


Like most mono-colored Spellslingers, you can splash six cards of a single color with Gideon. You can take a more aggressive stance splashing red, a more mid-range approach with green or black, or something more tricky with blue. In the current meta, a blue splash is the most common. Always make sure you play enough creatures in your deck to make sure Gideon himself can attack.



Ardent Supporter is a phenomenal 1-cost 2/1 creature that provides early pressure, as well as generating another inexpensive creature to expand your board. This is a card you want in your opening hand, and rarely mulligan away. Most games, this will be a turn one play.



Gideon’s Protection ensures one of your creatures won’t die in combat, while furthering your Gideon plan by buffing him when he joins the fray. It is best used on high-power creatures that force the opponent whether to block or not. Gideon’s Protection is strong, and while synergistic with the rest of Gideon’s package, this is a card often replaced once one has a larger collection.



Gideon’s Veteran is a solid mid-range card. Gideon’s Veteran attacks freely the first time, or enables a solid block with armor, surviving attacks as well as often destroying an opposing creature. This is another signature card you may replace with a larger collection, however, it is rarely a bad play.


With Gideon you should try to keep your board as wide as possible. You will be faced with decisions on what to block, as favorable trades may be offered, but is having three creatures for a Gideon attack next turn worth more? You want to end the game fast, but favorable trades that also give you three attacking creatures the next turn are a very important decision point.


While developing your collection, look for cards that create multiple creatures, as they make triggering Gideon much easier. Gideon is a tough Spellsinger and having creatures with high toughness or armor help with blocking and with attacking and surviving.


With Gideon you want to attack early and often. Remember not to skip leg day!